Sunday, December 13, 2009

Shine: Literary Illustration

This project was to create a literary illustration. We were to take a piece of text from a book or poem we have read and create an illustration that expresses the content of the words. Since I do not read many fiction books I resorted to what I do read, my Bible. This illustrates Matthew 5:16:

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Expressionism Self Portrait

This project was to create a self portrait after another artists style and art period. I choose Marc Franz Expressionist piece "Piggies" (bottom picture). The idea of expressionism was to blend the foreground and background together on the same plain yet still be distinguishable. Expressionism is also known for having many vibrant colors.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Photo Realism: Gillette

This project was to buy a product and take a picture of it. Then we had to draw this picture identically to the photograph. At first glance you should not be able to tell the difference between the two images. However, up close the drawn piece is more clear because was created in a vector based program so it was created without pixels. The top image is my illustration and the bottom image is my photograph reference.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tweet... tweet

The final product!

Twitter Ideas

These are my blue birds after transferring my sketches into digital illustrations.

Twitter Sketches

This is an assignment in which we were required to create some birds for Twitter. The Twitter logo is a simple blue bird and many designers create different blue birds that people may purchase or download to display on their home page. We were to create 5 of our own versions of this bird. Here are the sketches I started with.

Road Signs

This is a project where we were required to create road signs to match the description given below each sign. We were given The yellow sign background and we were only allowed to use black for the graphic. Each sign was to be created in a unique and creative way that would get the message across clearly.

Zoo Icons

This is a project where we were required to create signs that would be seen in a zoo for various animals. These signs could only be created in white and the background colour that was provided. Also the signs needed to be readable by all ages.

Digital Illustration Portfolio

This is a blog that is my portfolio for my digital illustration (VCAR 332) class. It will contain each project I complete as this is the final project for this class.
